English Blog

A Movie “Lost in Paris” (Paris pieds nus) 7/9/17 July 9, 2017

It is the best summer movie! I truly enjoyed every moment. If you are happy now you should see it so that you will be merrier. If you are less happy you should also see it so that you will be really happy. It is my first experience to see the movie by Dominique Abel […]

悪意 東野圭吾 講談社文庫 6/27/17 June 27, 2017


Robert Schumann: Kreisleriana Op. 16 6/19/17 June 19, 2017

I have always wanted to learn this Schumann’s monumental work. I have been figuring out, studying, reading, practicing, but finally, I have more time to really focus on Kreisleriana for the last few weeks. Now I can’t stop playing it. The tunes are constantly playing in my head. The images of Clara and Robert are starting […]

波打ち際の蛍 島本理生 角川書店 6/19/17 June 19, 2017


“Hymn to the Eternal Flame” text by Michael Dennis Browne 6/5/17 June 6, 2017

In 2005 Stephen Paulus, an American composer, and Michael Dennis Browne teamed up together to create the oratorio “To be Certain of the Dawn” commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of death camps in Europe. “Hymn to the Eternal Flame” is drawn from this work. The music gave me tear.. Every face is in you, every voice, […]

A Movie “Paris Can Wait” 5/31/17 June 1, 2017

First and Most importantly it is a bad movie… It is an insult to French people!! This movie goes through a very shallow surface of France and portraits a French man as a “desire only, no brain” type. I have very good French friends living in a country side near Limoges, and have stayed at […]

Lord of All Hopefulness by Jan Struther (1901-1953) May 29, 2017

Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, Whose trust, ever child-like, no cares can destroy, Be there at our walking, and give us, we pray, Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.   Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane […]

A Movie “A Quiet Passion” 5/26/17 May 26, 2017

I like Emily Dickinson’s poems. The movie is about her. She basically lived in isolation with close relationship of family members and few friends. She created so many beautiful poems, but she almost did not leave her home. She lived in her room, upstairs of her family home. She never gotten married, but she wrote […]

Tango, Soul and Passion Piano Concert on Sat. May 20 2017 at 4pm May 17, 2017

I am very excited to perform this program including my favorite music! Pease see attached flyer. Also I had a video recording session recently for Schubert: Impromptu Op. 142 No. 3, 2 Chopin Nocturnes and Handel: Chaconne from this program. Those will be uploaded to YouTube soon . I hope you can join me at […]

A Movie “Your Name” (Japanese Title: 君の名は) 5/1/17  May 1, 2017

This movie has been in my “must see” list, and finally I went to Laemmle to see it. Unfortunately it was an English version instead of Japanese with English subtitle. I liked it so much, but I have to go back to see the real version! I felt strange to hear English speaking from Japanese […]