English Blog

A Movie “A Quiet Passion” 5/26/17

May 26, 2017

I like Emily Dickinson’s poems. The movie is about her. She basically lived in isolation with close relationship of family members and few friends. She created so many beautiful poems, but she almost did not leave her home. She lived in her room, upstairs of her family home. She never gotten married, but she wrote so many love poems without reality. Her imagination, her creation, her expression, her dream, her hope.. Below is her poem. It could be interpreted as sexual desire, but I would not want to think that way. It is a love poem. If you are interested in her life and poems the movie is wonderful.

Wild nights! Wild nights!

Were I with thee,

Wild nights should be

Our luxury!

Futile the winds

To a heart in port,-

Done with the compass,

Done with the chart.

Rowing in Eden!

Ah! the sea!

Might I but moor

To-night in thee!