
English Blog A Movie – Whatever Works by Woody Allen 7/12/09 July 12, 2009

Yes, we should take “whatever works”! And we have to be true to ourselves. Some outfit looks great on Ms. A, and if I try to copy it it may look good in my mind, but that outfit may not fit to my body or I may actually look funny in that dress–. You know what I mean. […]

English Blog Timothy Andres – How can I live in your world of ideas? 7/6/09 July 6, 2009

I have mentioned before that I heard Timothy Andres (we call him Timo) at Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Green Umbrella concert, and I fell in love with his piano piece called “How can I live in your world of ideas?”.  Do you know what I found after I came back from the trip in the end of […]

English Blog Concert in Dallas 6/22/09 June 22, 2009

I was in Kansas for last 10 days to teach and to perform at Sound Encounters. During those 10 days I made a very quick trip to Dallas, TX, to perform with my friend Jon, trumpet, and his girl friend, Liane, violin. Liane joined us for Ewazen’s piano trio which is a great piece to […]

English Blog Mark O’Connor 6/12/09 June 13, 2009

I am in Ottawa, Kansas, for music camp. The students are wonderful and the organization is just great! I enjoy coming here for teaching and performing for 10 years, and every single year I look forward for this summer music making in Kansas! I performed last night with 2 great musicians, and I am very happy to […]

English Blog A Movie – Departure (おくりびと) 6/8/09 June 8, 2009

I could not wait to see this movie, and I went to see it on the first day! As a Japanese I did not need the subtitle! Whenever I see Japanese movies I feel very nostalgic, and feel home sick–. The movie “Departure” made me feel it too. The relationship between a husband (a cellist […]

English Blog Getty Villa 6/1/09 June 8, 2009

I have been to Getty Museum in LA for several times, but I had never been to Getty Villa. So I went there last Friday! It is located in Malibu, California. Los Angeles is a huge city, and Malibu is one of many cities we have. My piano teacher, Mr. John Perry, told me before […]

English Blog John Adams, Timothy Andres, and Payton MacDonald 5/14/09 May 14, 2009

I heard a very good new music concert at the Disney Concert Hall last Tuesday, May 12. LA Phil has a new music series called Green Umbrella, and it was the last concert of this series in 2008-9 season. I went to this concert with my church friends, 2 couples in 70s, and they enjoyed […]

English Blog Spring Semester is Done. 5/7/09 May 7, 2009

We finished piano jury today at Occidental College. Prior to piano jury, I did a piano studio recital last night. It was a lot of fun!! We use “jury” for performance test. The students play their semester repertoire front of professors to conclude their studies. I have had wonderful 16 students in my piano studio […]

Japanese Blog (日本語のブログ) ブランド図書館でのコンサート 4/20/09 April 20, 2009

昨日は、カリフォルニア州のグランデール市(といってもロサンゼルスの一部)にある、とても美しいブランド図書館内のコンサートホールで演奏会がありました。この建物は、とても歴史があり、週末などは、良く結婚式の写真撮影にお目にかかる事があります。少し建物に傷みが来ており、来年は大掛かりな改修に入るそうですがーー。 昨日のコンサートのテーマは、ここ数年行っている”世界の旅をピアノとともに”で、ピアソラ、グラナドス、ジネステラ、坂本 龍一、プーランク、バーバーらを、演奏しました。気持ちの良い演奏が出来たと思います。お客様も熱心で、演奏後のレセプションでは、いろいろと質問があり、楽しくお話させて頂きました!ありがとうございます!音楽図書館員のブレイヤーがこのコンサートシリーズを企画していて、いつも素晴らしいコンサートを提供しています。昨日は私を招待してくれて、感謝しています!!又、早速来て下さったお客様から、「とっても感動したよ!」というメイルを頂き、嬉しく読ませて頂きました。こちらも感謝しています。 それから、音楽仲間のニック・レーン(才能一杯の作曲家/アレンジャー、そして素晴らしいトロンボーン奏者)からメイルが届き、私のCDがとっても良かったよと、いう嬉しいお便り。彼は、ロックバンド・シカゴのバンドの一員で、現在ツアー中。バンド仲間と私のCD聞いてくれたようです!こちらも、沢山ありがとう!! 今日は、私のもう一人の(沢山いるうちの!)音楽仲間、ジョン・ルイス(彼はすっごく上手いトランペット奏者)が我が家に立ち寄り、テキサス州のダラス市で6月に演奏するコンサートの打ち合わせをしました。彼とは過去にも何回か演奏を一緒にしていて、今回も楽しみな曲が一杯です。ピアノの上に、新たな楽譜の山がーー!! 今週末は、カリフォルニア州のパサデナ市(ここもロサンゼルスの一部!)である、武満 徹先生の音楽祭があり、その一部で、先生の美しいピアノ曲を演奏する事になっています。リタニーの2曲とレイン・ツリー・スケッチの第2番を演奏予定です。レイン・ツリー・スケッチはビデオと一緒に演奏するので、ちょっと特別な練習が必要ですね。そろそろ、ピアノに戻って又新しいプロジェクトに向かって、練習です!

English Blog Brand Library Concert 4/20/09 April 20, 2009

I really enjoyed performing at Brand Library yesterday. It was a part of their Music Series. The recital hall is located as a part of this historic library building in the beautiful park up on Glendale Hills. I often see people take wedding photos there! My program was my on-going “A World Journey on the […]