ななんと、私小説。この言葉自体に、ノスタルジーを感じるのは、私だけか・・ 不思議な世界といえば良いけれど、ここまでぶっちゃらけ感に侵されなくてもなあ、というのが、感想かなあ?でも、何故か、どこどこ読んでしまった。この作家の、新しい方向性というのが見たいですね。自分さらけ出すだけでない、物語りを紡ぎだしたところが、読んでみたい!
引っ張られる小説。とにかくやめられない。いくつものシーンが、最初全くかけ離れているのだけど、次第に絡み合い、最後に向けて音量とスピードが加速していく。そう、幸せの定義にむけて。ジョン・レノンの言葉を思い出した。それはこういうもの。”When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy”. They told me I did not understand the assignment, and I told them they did not […]
I played a piano for Andriessen’s piece at the Minimalist Jukebox festival in 2004 at LA Phil,. and I was expecting this opera to be somewhat I played for the festival. It is completely different! The festival was great success and I truly liked his piece. Again I enjoyed the music in the opera. I grew up […]
I have been trying to go to this restaurant for a long time. It is not easy to make a reservation. Finally I got it, and so my Dream Came True! I am still thinking about what we ate that night. Every dish was just fantastic. They surprised me with unique combination of taste. For […]
Nicole Kidman is interested in “Messy”. She is the producer of the movie and she hand picked Jason Bateman to direct the movie. They are siblings in the movie. The Family Fang is about maximum (!) performance artists (Christopher Walken and Maryann Plunkett), who included their two children, Annie (Kidman) and Buster (Bateman), in anarchist flash mob pranks. […]
I have been performing Tango music for a while, and I am always very fascinated by the culture behind the music. I have gone to Buenos Aires for 3 times, and I love that city too. This movie is a documentary film featuring Tango legends, Maria Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes, and following their […]
This piece has been my favorite since my youth. I know it is Classic Music 101 kind, but whenever I hear this piece, my heart trembles. As a professional musician myself, it is almost weird to admit this kind of favoritism! And again I enjoyed it at LA Phil concert on Thursday April 14th. I […]