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A Notebook (光塩女子学院・中学校卒業時の)- Full of Encouragement and Affection 6/3/2020

June 3, 2020

I have plenty of time now, and it is a good time to sort through my possession for the next step of my life. First, I  have been going through concert programs, photos, and schedule books to sort and to clean up. I filled a big trash bin before the trash collection last week! I am trying to digitalize all of my photos, except my childhood albums. If you only know the digital photos, photo albums take a big space and once it is made, no one opens and looks at! Once I finish this project, all of my photos will be in my computer/phon. I have kept most of my concert programs with posters, but I gave up posters and decided to keep one program from each concert. I decided not to digitalize those programs. I have kept my schedule books (I have done my schedule with phone for the last 10 years or so) for some reason, I don’t know why!! So they went to the trash bin. I feel great! My shoulder does not keep unnecessary weight anymore.

And I found this little notebook. When I was 14, I decided to go to the performing arts high school, instead of continuing to my beloved girls high school. All of my class mates took time to write some essays for me. They liked my piano. They wanted to come to my concert in future. They liked my wild attitude. They joked. They joked about our teachers. They drew cartoons. So much encouragement and affection. Since the day I found this little notebook, I have been keeping it on my nightstand. If the house gets fire, I will grab this notebook first.

I will perform a concert in Tokyo next May, collaboration with my girls school’s alumni association. I so much look forward for this occasion. I finally have a chance to play for my classmates since the graduation.