A Concert by Lang Lang 11/09/09
November 9, 2009
I went to Lang Lang’s concert last night at the Disney Concert Hall. I heard him playing several years ago, and that concert was almost “fingers from hell” program. He was pretty good with that kind of repertoire. I was impressed by the machine like playing !! I liked Tan Dun’s Eight Memories in Watercolor which is beautiful.
So last night concert consisted different repertoire, 2 Beethoven sonatas, Albeniz-Iberia, Prokofiev-No.7 Sonata. His great advantage from the last concert did not work with those pieces. Actually it went the other way, I think–. It was beyond interesting interpretation! His uniqueness continued throughout the concert. For instance in Beethoven Op. 2 #3 the moment supposed to be crystal clean turned into massive pedal playing. So it became just loud effect. Meaningless accents everywhere, constant loud tapping the floor, over action which made us laugh—-. Also I was wondering about his right hand–?? Has he injured his right hand?? Because he voiced the left hand so often for no reason, and it seemed to cover the right hand weakness. And finally he played Chopin Etude Op25 #1 for encore, and again he played his left hand so loudly?? I am hoping his hands are OK.
During the concert, I noticed constant noise from the audience, and unfortunately the audience stop clapping right after he disappeared in the backstage before the intermission. But he came back to the stage anyway! I think it means that his music could not hold the audience. Mr. Lang is a very talented pianist so I hope he will find the way to deliver the music to us. And in case his hands are not well, please take care of them.