English Blog

Getty Villa 6/1/09

June 8, 2009

I have been to Getty Museum in LA for several times, but I had never been to Getty Villa. So I went there last Friday! It is located in Malibu, California. Los Angeles is a huge city, and Malibu is one of many cities we have. My piano teacher, Mr. John Perry, told me before I moved to LA that we have to think LA is a country consisting small cities. That is really true.

It was worth to drive to Malibu. This museum was constructed to imitate Italian Villa. The garden is just beautiful, and the view is amazing from any place in museum. I don’t know how much $ Mr. Getty had to collect this many Roman, Greek, and Etruscan antiquities. Imagine that the people in 2000 or 3000 years ago had this level of skills to express beauty, craftsmanship, humor, love, anger–. We can share all of these human feelings. I liked everything! For instance, one of the exhibitions are the faces on mummies, and they look really pop-arts! But the sarcophagus (coffins) are beautiful crafts curving many small details like we think of antiquities.

If you come to LA Getty Villa is a nice venue to visit. It is relaxing as well. After the museum you can go to Malibu beach for ocean air. Our lives are often so stressful and schedule oriented, and we forget to spend some time visiting those nice places even though there are within our city!!